Various perspectives on drinking milk - Deepa Verma

I'm going to introduce Deepa Verma who is the founder of Synergistiq Integrative Health. 

She is against the idea of drinking cow's milk for health.

I got the article from-

Verma, D. (2016, August 22). The Fallacy of ‘Milk Does the Body Good'. Synergistiq Integrative Health.'s%20supposed%20to%20be%20beneficial,strength%20created%20the%20milk%20myth.

We seem to be the only species of mammals that drink milk after infancy, and definitely the only species that drinks another species’ milk. Cow’s milk is NOT designed for human consumption. Cow’s milk contains on average about three times the amount of protein than human milk does, which creates metabolic disturbances in humans that have detrimental bone health consequences, according to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. 

How is this possible when a glass of milk is touted to have 300 mg of calcium? That’s supposed to be beneficial for our bones and growth. 

Shockingly, according to the Harvard School of Public Health, the answer is a resounding NO. Over time, a flawed belief that humans have to consume three glasses of milk daily to sustain bone health and strength created the milk myth. 

And now, the supposed “truths” about milk we were all taught to believe are being debunked by studies ranging from those published in reputable scientific journals, such as the Journal of Nutrition and The American Journal of Epidemiology.

Milk and dairy products are pro-inflammatory and mucus producing. Milk increases the risks of respiratory conditions and allergies. 

By eliminating dairy and other animal protein such as meats from the diet, an alkaline environment is created. Alkalinity perpetuates a “zen” atmosphere in the body. And this should be everyone’s ultimate goal to attain optimal health and age gracefully, but healthily.


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