Debut of my new NGO, "MIN"

 I created a new NGO relating to the research I did this semester.

First I will show you the results I got from my survey about drinking milk. 

I found these two results interesting. One is "Have you ever met anyone who can't drink milk due to their physical reasons?" 
About 40% of them had never met people who can't drink milk due to their physical reasons. I was surprised by this because experts estimate that about 68% of the world's population is lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is generally most common in asian countries, and in Japan, most of the people are lactose intolerant. 
The other one asked if you know what lactose intolerance is, and more than half of the people answered that they don't know what lactose intolerance is. 
So, due to the results of my survey, I wanted people to understand about lactose intolerance more, and have the right knowledge about drinking milk.

The name I came up for this NGO is "MIN", which means "Milk Institute". I took the first two letters from each of the words and combined it to make it one. And I chose this name because I simply wanted to make people understand about milk. 

This group mainly deals with two issues. They are "decrease in milk consumption" and "people with lactose intolerance"
The decrease in milk consumption has become a problem recently especially due to the coronavirus pandemic. Children used to drink milk everyday at lunchtime in school, but due to temporary closure of schools, milk is not being consumed a lot compared to previous years.

The mission statement for this group is making people understand and take action. I want people to get correct knowledge about milk, and people who have milk intolerance. I also want people to actually take action about the problems that we find, and help people or companies in need. 

There are mainly two goals that I want to achieve, and one is saving dairy farms by actively consuming milk and milk products, The other one is providing people with the right knowledge about milk and milk intolerance
In order to achieve these goals, I came up with two projects that would help. 
The first one is selling milk/milk products online/offline.
According to Asahi Shinbun, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan is calling on citizens to buy milk/milk products another extra when you are buying one. That actually helps the dairy workers protect the production base.
For this project, people who can't/don't drink milk is difficult to participate, so I came up with another project that anyone can join.
That is a workshop for learning about milk. We would invite experts and have them talk about milk and make it able for every participant to share their opinions and ideas. This way, everyone can feel free and share as much as they can.
The first project that I explained actually connects to the part of how we keep ourself running. The money we collect from the project#1 will be used in project#2 to invite experts and rent a place to have the workshop. 

In order to recruit new members, we would create various SNS accounts and appeal about our group so that people not only inside the country but also from outside of the country would be interested in our activity. I want the group to be diverse, so would be happy to make an international team. We will also be giving out information about ourselves and also about the projects we do so people who are not members of the group can feel close to us and see what we are doing. Our NGO is definitely worth joining and working together, so I hope everyone would help us spread knowledge about milk more.


  1. Your results are clearly presented and the highlighting was useful to make the key points stand out. One thing that isn't clear to me is why would people who can't or don't consume milk be interested in attending a workshop for learning about milk. Would the workshop include information about cow milk alternatives, such as almond milk, cashew milk, soy milk, etc.?


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